Wednesday, March 30, 2011

facebook as "big brother"

This week, facebook took a big step in deciding to take down a page that called upon Palestinians to start a third intifada. Should facebook have that kind of power? Are we not encouraged on the site to tell people "what's on your mind"? On the one hand, i feel much more comfortable with the page gone. i cannot believe that someone would even make a page to encourage such an atrocity. the fact that the riots in egypt began due to communication on facebook, the website seems to have turned into a more powerful tool than anyone really thought. in my world, facebook is a place to waste time, catch up with old friends who i will never see and, of course, to look at pictures. but for those looking to make a change, it has become clear that facebook is a valuable tool to mobilize the public. it is therefore even more terrifying that one would make a page attempting to make more violence.
The world jewish congress wrote about what happened:
they are, naturally, in full support of facebook;s actions.

1 comment:

  1. I get wanting to take it down. People are scared by these kinds of groups. But at the same time, I feel uncomfortable that they took it down. What about Free Speech? It's not as is the members of the group by being a part of the group were actually starting a third Intifada. They were simply expressing their (frightening) opinions on what should happen.
